Feb 17, 2008

Understanding Money

To be a true American patriot, you need at least a basic understanding of monetary theory. Leaving it to Greenspan, Bernanke and the Fed is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

The following videos provide a basic educational foundation in monetary theory. It's so simple that most grade-schoolers could understand it, but most people have never been taught even the basics on this subject.
-- expand/collapse --

One time through may not be enough; most people need a rerun to really start understanding it. Why? In all honesty, it's very simple...so simple, in fact, that the mind rejects it initially. It's a bizarre concept to think that banks earn interest on money they never even had. It's even more bizarre to realize our government has chosen to borrow the money it needs from our bankers, at interest, when the government alone has the authority to print all the money it needs interest free. You may think whoever voted for that idea is a an idiot, but they aren't. They're a traitor who was paid-off.

Once this foundation is in place, a good next step, is to learn how money correlates to energy, historically and today.

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